Sustaining rural development in the Deshati mountain range region: Deshati LAGs"


ALCDF in partnership with Albanian National Training and Technical Assistance Resource Center–ANTTARC- (being the project Lead Partner / Applicant) implemented “Sustainable rural development in Deshati mountain range region: Deshati LAGs” project, financed by IPA Cross-Border Programme the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia-Republic of Albania, 2007-2013

The overall project objective is contributing to the sustainable rural development of the Deshati mountain range region.

The specific project objective is: To support the development of rural and mountain tourism in the Deshati mountain range region.

The project results were: Two Local Action Groups are established and active in local development; Strategies of tourism development for the Deshati mountain range region are developed; Households involved in rural/mountainous tourism have increased their capacity in service provision; Coordination of touristic offer from two sides of the border has improved; and Cooperation between local actors across the border is promoted.

The action was implemented through 5 integrated components such as: Local Action Groups—capacity development and sustainability related activities; Education, training and study visits of beneficiaries; Tourism promotion through local production fairs, strategy of tourism, tourism guide brochure, webpage; Join meetings and activities with cross-border partners, Tourist track and signposting.

  • Region:

    • Diber

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