Lista udhezuese për funksionin dhe rolin e rrjetit te vezhguesve ne zonat e mbrojtura- CSN

- 28-Feb-2025
This document is the guideline (checklist) for the function, practices, and communication of the local community Surveillance networks (CSN) for Sharr-Korab transboundary protected areas.
A community surveillance network (CSN) is defined as “an active process of community participation in the detection, reporting, responding and monitoring to ensure effective Protected areas (PA) management in the Sharr-Korab massive.”
The main problem for this protected area is the low level of ecological awareness and participation of the local population in protecting areas management activities, and it is paired by insufficient capacities of the Regional Administration of Protecting Areas (RAPA) and local municipal authorities to address the environmental threats in the natural park. The direct ecological threats facing in the area are illegal lodging and unsustainable forest harvesting, fragmentation or loss of habitats, a decrease in natural water retention capacity of deforested areas, forest fires, overuse of medicinal plant species, illegal hunting, and the recent climate changes. Increasing participation of the communities in the process of management of Protected Areas will contribute to better management of this area. For this reason, ALCDF has foreseen establishing the community surveillance network (CSN) as one of the active pillars of community participation.
The checklist will serve as a guide for the CSN members on functions, operations, communication, define the role of surveillance, and practices coordination tools and approaches of CSN members with PA management authorities and other responsible authorities for illegal activities, fire protection, village complaints, etc.
For more info see the link below: