Manual për mirëqeverisjen e strukturave të bashkëmenaxhimit të Zonave të Mbrojtura Ndërkufitare Shar-Korab


For many years, the Albanian Local Capacity Development Foundation (ALCDF) has worked with multi-stakeholder structures, co-management, and community-based management in local governance, natural resource management, and tourism. 

 Since the project “Protection and Sustainable Use of Protected Areas in Sharr Mountain, Mavrovo and Korab-Koritnik”, financed by PONT – Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust, started the implementation, there has been an increasing demand for guidance/manual on what ALCDF has learned about co management, particularly across different geographical settings, socio-economic conditions, and histories of operation; and how it could apply to protected areas management, link to other livelihoods, and respond to the seasonal nature of natural resources. This manual attempt to respond to this demand by compiling recent experience from as wide a cross-section of research as possible. 

 During the development of this manual, both ALCDF and the authors (ANTTARC) wrestled with the concept of co-management. - 

- Given the evolving nature of this science, for example, what does co-management cover and how widely is the concept accepted?

- Importantly, there has been increasing acceptance of the idea that co-management is not an endpoint but rather a process – a process of adaptive experiences learning. Recognizing the diversity of both local contexts (ecological and social) and factors depleting the Protected Areas, however, would it even be possible to put together a manual of existing co-management structures experiences? 

 As you will discover through this manual, ALCDF and the authors felt that it was neither possible nor desirable to produce a blueprint for Protected Area co-management. Rather, we agreed that it would be more useful to document the co-management process, as undertaken by both ALCDF partners and others, and to put this experience into a form that could be shared with anyone interested in learning more about co-management and what others have done with these structures. In the manual pages, you will find a picture of the co-management process in each target-protected area in Albanian and North Macedonia. 

 We hope this manual will serve to provide a practical reference on a process for co-management for use by the various co-management partners. We request feedback from you, the users, on how to improve the manual. As co-management is a process, so is the development of a manual. There is still a great deal to learn and share as we use co-management to hopefully improve protected areas and natural resources and the lives of the people who depend upon these resources.

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