Exchange of experiences with local agritourism businesses-...

- 06-Dec-2024
On December 6th, a group of rural women from Diber had the opportunity to participate in an inspiring exchange of experiences with local agritourism businesses. They attended a special event with empowered women entrepreneurs in Diber, where they shared insights and ideas. One of the highlights was learning from the successful agritourism model of "Nena Dashurie," gaining valuable knowledge on best practices in the field. A week later, on December 13th, the group visited Rabdisht village, where they met with guest house owners and learned more about the thriving agritourism scene. These visits were a powerful step toward empowering women and fostering growth in rural communities! #EmpoweredWomen #Agritourism #RuralDevelopment #Diber
This exchange of experiences session was in the framework of the " Women Empowerment in Diber from agro-tourism - WEDA" project, supported by the #canadainalbania through the “Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) Albania #CFLI #canadainalbania and implemented by ALCDF.