Study visit in Debar between 2 groups of rural woman in framework of the "Women Empowernment in Diber from Agro-tourism -WEDA" through CFLI


On December 27th, 2024, a special exchange took place between the incredible group of rural women from Diber, Albania, and the inspiring women from Debar, North Macedonia. 
This gathering was a celebration of learning, sharing, and empowering each other. The women came together to exchange valuable experiences on promoting tourism, preserving traditional heritage, and driving economic and social empowerment. 
The day included inspiring discussions, and the rural women had the chance to explore a vibrant local craft fair, discovering the beautiful artisanal work that reflects the region’s rich culture. 
A highlight of the event was the opportunity to hear from local agritourism women entrepreneurs, whose stories of success and resilience continue to inspire. 
Together, we build stronger communities and empower women to thrive! #WomenEmpowerment #RuralWomen #Tourism #TraditionalHeritage #Agritourism #Craftsmanship #Debar #Diber
This exhchange of experience session was in the framework of the "Women Empowernment in Diber from Agro-tourism -WEDA" project,supported by the #canadianalbania through the "Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) Albania #CFLI #canadainalbania and implemented by ALCDF.

  • Rajoni:

    • North Macedonia

    • Debar
    • Debar