Redife Dardeshi


Redife is an elderly woman who has spent most of her life in the village of Bugjenec where nature is a sign of sustainability and wealth. She is a wise, intelligent woman with an inner strength that stems from years of experience and a close connection to the land. Redife is one of those women who never loses touch with the rich traditions of the village and the cultivation of natural things, such as the production of wild apple vinegar.

Redife is known for her extraordinary ability to produce wild apple vinegar, a product that is of great importance for livelihood. She collects the wild apple fruit at the right time, when the apples are ripe and have a strong but sweet taste, from the trees that grow around the village, trees that are known for their high quality and special taste.

Where Redife begins the fermentation process to create the vinegar. Her vinegar is known for its rich taste and health benefits, as its production is based on a traditional method, without chemicals, and with great care for every step of the process.

How to make apple cider vinegar:

The process starts with washing the apples, then they are pressed and placed in a jar, then covered with a clean cloth on top and after a week we fill it with water and again for 4 days in a row they have to stay in the sun, then we drain it, and it is ready for use.



  • Rajoni:

    • Diber

    • Peshkopi
    • Peshkopi,Bugjenec