Diana Dema


Diana is a lady from the village of Trepç, known for her commitment to the collection and use of medicinal plants, an ancient tradition that is part of the culture and lifestyle of this area rich in biodiversity. Diana has a special connection with nature, a connection she inherited from her ancestors and which helped shape her passion for medicinal plants. Through knowledge gained from family and community, Diana has learned to recognize and collect different types of plants that grow in her area, especially primroses (lisnat), which have many values ​​when making teas and medicinal preparations, and primroses (agulicat), which are used to cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system. Diana has learned to respect and collect these plants sustainably, preserving the ecosystem and using traditional collection methods that ensure that natural resources are not damaged. She is very careful when collecting primroses, collecting them in appropriate conditions to preserve the healing values ​​and natural aroma of the plants.

Primrose (lisnat) and agulicat are two medicinal plants very well known in the tradition of folk pharmacy and have been used for centuries for their healing properties. Each of these plants has a wide range of applications for improving health and are valued for use in the treatment of many diseases. Below are some of the healing properties and main uses of primrose and agulicat.  Evening primrose (lisnat) is a tall, small, yellow-flowered plant that commonly grows in mountainous and lowland areas, including Dibra. This plant is known for its traditional uses as a cleansing and healing plant. It is often found in places with herbs and shrubs and has a long history of use in folk medicine.

Healing properties of evening primrose

 Body cleanser.

  Fights inflammation.

  Contains antimicrobials.

Improves digestive function.

Against insomnia and anxiety

Lisnat is a plant known and widely used for its medicinal properties. It is a perennial plant that grows in many areas of Albania, including Dibra, and can be easily recognized by its spiny leaves. Although it can cause skin irritation when touched, lisnat has a multitude of healing properties and has been used for many centuries as a natural source for health and for various cooking.

Healing properties and benefits of aguliçe:

Blood purifier and circulation improver.

 Fights anemia.

 Improves the immune system.

Reduces inflammation and joint pain.

  Improves digestion and fights intestinal problems.

  • Rajoni:

    • Diber

    • Peshkopi
    • Peshkopi,Trepçë