Flutura Begu


Flutura is a well-known professional who comes from the small village of Vakuf, in the Dibra region, in northern Albania. She specializes in the production of jufka, one of the traditional products of Albanian cuisine, and has managed to obtain a license to produce jufka according to traditional Dibra methods. Jufka are a type of pastry whose main ingredients are eggs, flour and milk, known for its delicate texture and special taste. The process of making jufkas is a tradition inherited from generation to generation and requires great care and skill to be carried out.

Flutura, using ancient recipes and techniques, preserves the authenticity of this product and makes it available to consumers, also promoting the values ​​of Dibra’s culinary culture. The license it has obtained for traditional Dibra’s production is an appreciation for the dedication and professionalism it has invested in this field. Flutura Begu's market, as a professional in the production of traditional jufka and other Dibra products, has spread to all cities in Albania, achieving a high level of recognition and demand for its products.

One of the main factors that has contributed to the success of Flutura's market is its commitment to quality. She uses only fresh and natural ingredients, preserving every stage of the production process according to traditional methods. This has made her products known for their unique taste and authentic feel. This quality has managed to attract a large number of loyal consumers, who are looking for natural and traditional products. Another dimension of success is the use of local markets and fairs, where she participates to promote her products and to present the handicrafts of Dibra and its traditional features. She often participates in culinary fairs, where she presents her products and engages in activities that promote Dibra culture and heritage.

  • Rajoni:

    • Diber

    • Peshkopi
    • Peshkopi, Vakuf