The construction of mountain biking trails in the area of Mavrovo and Rostushe


Фирмата “Фортеса” која го доби тендерот за изградба на велосипедските патеки во општина Маврово и Ростуше, кон средината на Април 2021 започна со градежни активности на терен.
????Како што дозволуваа временските услови во првите дваесетина дена се работеше на една од патеките која се протега во пониските реони од атарот на село Жировница и еден дел од атарот на село Врбјане.
????На потегот од стартот кој се наоѓа во близина на месноста “Асан Кула” па се до Долно Маало село Жировница целосно се изградени околу 8 километри а многу скоро се очекува да биде завршен и преостанатиот дел од околу 1,5 километри.
Во втората половина на Мај и летните месеци фирмата планира уште поинтензивна градежна активност со која ќе се изградат преостанатите патеки кои се протегаат долж границата со Албанија на надморска височина од 1700 до 2000 метри.
????Со почетокот на есента 2021 се очекува целосно да бидат завршени сите 23 километри патеки кои се дел од Проектот “Прекугранично возење велосипеди: Авантуристички туризам на повисоко ниво во Маврово и Ростуше и Дибра”, финансиран од ЕУ во рамките на ИПА 2 програмата.
????The construction of mountain biking trails in the area of Mavrovo and Rostushe has been made possible in the framework of the project “Cross-border biking: Next level adventure tourism in Mavrovo-Rostushe & Dibra”.
????This project is being implemented in partnership between ALCDF – Albanian Foundation for Local Capacity Development and Dibër Regional Council.
????The company “Fortesa”, which is contracted for construction of bike trails in the municipality of Mavrovo and Rostuse in mid-April 2021 started the construction works on the site.
????In order to have a good result during implementation of the works, the construction company hired the peoples trained by Alliance ASE consultancy company related to improving of their techniques for construction of the biking trails.
????As far as the weather conditions allowed, in the first twenty days has been working on one of the paths that stretches in the lower areas of ​​the village Zhirovnica and a part of the area of ​​the village Vrbjane. From the start which is located near the locality “Asan Kula” to Dolno Maalo in village Zhirovnica are completely built about 8 km and very soon is expected to be completed remaining part of about 1.5 km.
????In the second half of May and during the summer season, the company plans even more intensive construction activity, to build the remaining trails that stretch along the border with Albania at an altitude of 1700 to 2000 meters.
????By the beginning of autumn 2021, all 23 km of trails that are part of the Project “Cross-border biking: Next level adventures tourism in Mavrovo and Rostushe and Dibra”, funded by the EU under the IPA 2 program, are expected to be fully completed.
???? The Fortesa firm, which won the tender for construction of cycling paths in the municipality of Mavrovo and Rostushe, towards mid-April 2021, started with construction activities on the field.
???? As the weather conditions were allowed in the first twenty days, it was worked on one of the paths that extends to the lower regions of the village of Zirovnica and one part of the dummy of the village of Vrbjane.
???? At the move from the start located near the area ′′ Asan Kula ′′ to the Dolno Maalo village of Zirovnica, around 8 kilometers are fully built and very soon the remaining part of about 1,5 kilometers is expected to be completed .
In the second half of May and summer months, the company plans an even more intensive construction activity to build the remaining paths that extend along the border with Albania at an altitude of 1700 to 2000 meters.
???? With the beginning of autumn 2021, all 23 kilometers of trails that are part of the Project ′′ Cross-border Bicycle Riding: Adventure Tourism at a higher level in Mavrovo and Rostushe and Dibra ′′ funded by EU in the framework of the IPA 2 program.
????The construction of mountain biking trails in the area of Mavrovo and Rostushe has been made possible in the framework of the project “Cross-border biking: Next level adventure tourism in Mavrovo-Rostushe & Dibra”.
????This project is being implemented in partnership between ALCDF – Albanian Foundation for Local Capacity Development and Dibër Regional Council.
????The company “Fortesa”, which is contracted for construction of bike trails in the municipality of Mavrovo and Rostuse in mid-April 2021 started the construction works on the site.
????In order to have a good result during implementation of the works, the construction company hired the peoples trained by Alliance ASE consultancy company related to improving of their techniques for construction of the biking trails.
????As far as the weather conditions allowed, in the first twenty days has been working on one of the paths that stretches in the lower areas of ​​the village Zhirovnica and a part of the area of ​​the village Vrbjane. From the start which is located near the locality “Asan Kula” to Dolno Maalo in village Zhirovnica are completely built about 8 km and very soon is expected to be completed remaining part of about 1.5 km.
????In the second half of May and during the summer season, the company plans even more intensive construction activity, to build the remaining trails that stretch along the border with Albania at an altitude of 1700 to 2000 meters.
????By the beginning of autumn 2021, all 23 km of trails that are part of the Project “Cross-border biking: Next level adventures tourism in Mavrovo and Rostushe and Dibra”, funded by the EU under the IPA 2 program, are expected to be fully completed.

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