ECO- Nord Forum Purpose, Objectives and Mission

ECO Nord – Forum is autonomus umbrella body of 27 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) that operate and are based in North Albania with the main focus on environmental and biodiversity issues. The ECO-Nord is a joint effort of the project "Leveraging the capacities of CSO-s in the North Albania ", the so called Eco Nord...

Activities in Puke to commemorate World Environment Day

Puke- Agro Puka organization held, on 5 June, an informative session with pupils of Qelez high school on issues related to biodiversity protection. The event was organized to commemorate World Environment Day in the frame of Eco Nord Project activities. The pupils also got the opportunity to learn new insights of medic...

ECO NORD Project participated at EU Fair

ECO NORD project participated in the European Union Fair organized, on 10 May, at European Union Information Centre in Tirana. The event gathered youth, students, Civil Society representatives and citizens interested in how and where EU is devoting its resources in Albania. Divided in 4 main panels, participants discus...

European Day of Parks Activities in four regions

Open activities organized by ECO NORD Forum of Shkoder on European Day of Parks May 24, 2017- Shkoder city celebrated the European Day of Parks with open activities organized by ECO NORD Forum organizations of Shkoder Region (NRD, GO2, Green Center, Creative City, Albanian Skadar Lake Forum) in the beautiful surroundin...

Eco Nord Forum members conducted a study tour in Macedonia

Eco Nord Forum members composed by 27 civil society organizations of North Albania conducted a study tour in Macedonia from 26-27 May with the aim to gain in-depth insights into current functioning and networking of their Macedonian counterparts.  The visit was conceptualized in two parts. The first day the Eco-Nord Fo...

About EcoNord

This project "Leveraging the capacities of CSO-s in the North of Albania”, the so called “EcoNord” project, is financed from European Union Delegation in Albania. This project is funder under Civil Society Facility – Civic Initiative and Capacity Building component (part of IPA 2013). ALCDF is the organization that is implementing the EcoNord project in Albania

Europian Union and ALCDF
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